Saturday, October 23, 2010

Coat and frustration

Now all the feathers is ironed on the fabric. Except for the 3 top feathers.. they'll have to wait untill the birds body is sewn on the fabric. :)
But the frustration is big... I still need a little tiny bit of orange and white fabric. So I walk around impatiently, waiting for the stores to open again monday! But how typical is that, now that you want to get done, right? :)
I have decided that the peacock will be continuing outside the shiny fabric onto the coat it self. So that a few feathers continues all the way to the front.
And I also want the motive to continue in one piece down the middle, and not let it get parted in two by the "belt" on the coat.

So now I also need a few fabric buttons to be made, and then a lot of detailing sewn by hand. Some of it before the fabric goes on the coat, and some after that. So there's still a long way for this project to finish. So I really hope for a good result :)

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