Friday, October 28, 2011
It's getting cold outside now :) And it is getting very visible in Nannas wardrobe. An impulsive walk at 11 in the evening isn't that warm anymore. So more layers of clothes are added, together with lot's of warm knitted acessories!
I have to admit, that at this time at night, I stay indoor!! Arrrr well, not the night where Nanna and I sat outside in the garden chairs, with cosy blankets and warm clothes, just to see a huge amount of shooting stars! ;)
But well, if she really wants to walk around with layers and a denim jacket.... I could as well use her fairly new parka coat.... It's may as well warm my butt!!! :)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Learning to make a ring
Today, and 3 more days, I will learn how to make my own silver jewelry. Or at least I am trying to take in as much info as possible ;)
Right now I am making a ring. First a 3 mm ring is made from scratch. Cutting the 3 mm wire, file it, hammer it in shape, solder it together and grind it very fine. Then wind a fine silver wire around the thick one. This one will be shiny. Then I have soldered it together... and now I just have to wait for a whoooole week untill next time :)
I am NOT good at waiting, while working on something new and exciting!
My thought is, that next time, I will solder a lot of smalle bobbles of silver on the ring.. especially on th thin wire...s o that it will be almost hidden... and maybe put on a small gem too. I am not sure... because new ideas pops up all the time and my mind changes... I want it all.. but that is not easy with only 4 times of teaching.
But YET another thing I could see myself do at home! SO for my family: This xmas I wish for a burner, half a kg silver, some art clay, some of this and that, some pincers and pliers and so on.... GOSH I can't wait for xmas! (... hmmm or.... )
I guess that for now I am just looking forward to next thursday!
Friday, October 21, 2011
This is what happens
Look - This is what happens when shopping on an empty stomac! ;) So many temptations, when walking by the book section at Bilka!!
I looove cookbooks and find it very very hard not to buy them :) At least I have to look just a little bit....
Most of them will be used a lot. Others are mostly there to inspiration. But often I really just need people to eat my cakes and dinners :D
Thursday, October 20, 2011
New hair
Well a "please just take a quick snapshot of my hair" doesn't do anything good for my feeling of hating to be photographed. ;) But will, I promised an aftershot, so here it is.
I now have lot's of different lenghts in my hair, a little shorter, and asymetric bangs. The colors are new for me, I usually end up with a dark brown, with a shade of another brown or black in it.
But this time, I've got 5 different colors in it. A black underneath it all... you can see it on my shoulders. And then 4 colors: Orange, red and a shade of grey/light and a golden brown.
For the first time, in a looong time, I actually went home, with a good feeling and a: Okay, this can be good :)
I always get an idea for my hair, that never will be done, or I just end up with a boring version of it . But this time more colors were added. And something that actually looks like a haircut and not just staight bangs and straight in the back.
So maybe next time, I will add even more colors!
But for now, I am happy with the warm golden colors, for this grey winter :)
Saturday, October 15, 2011
The blue-green period
This blue-green wave is hitting me again.... ;) But we received some new blue and green colors at the shop... So I had to try.
The cute larve just went home with me...and already it's taken by my friend Louise. She asked me if I could make some cute stuff for the kids room... for the top shelves ofcourse.... So I had to try that too.
This little bird, I had to try too :) It turned out well, I think. It isn't that wierd in the stone... I just put it there loosely. I will fit it correctly later on. I have to drill some more holes in the stones. But they tend to split in two, almost each time!!
This little birdie, used to have a partner, but something happened in the oven and it looks like crap. They were supposed to stand on a stone in my garden.... But maybe next time :)
This little fellow you know by now ;) My little "sismofyt" :) Now in blue as well. I actually thought this should be mine, to stand besides the green one, that I already have. But now, as soon as he went home with me, someone snached him ;)
This small blue "bowl" I have made a few times. Very cute shape... it's light, thin, and with blue frits and clear dots along the one side :) Maybe for a few candles or some sweets.
This ashtray wasn't made by me. I rescued it from the scrap. My own home is smokefree... but maybe someone else could use it :) It's a pretty blue/black color, with parts that are clear.
So I actully do make glass these days :) I just forget to show you.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Pride !
Today I became a "substitue-aunt"!!! ;) My best friend gave birth to a beautiful daughter today. She is sooo cute and pretty :) And yep, I am so proud of them! Think about it.... isn't it a wonder that we as humans, can make such a miracle?
Calm now, I am not thinking about a baby again ;) But I am impressed and very proud on their behalf. And happy that I had the opportunity to follow her all the way through. And to be amongst the first ones to see her, only a few hours old :)
Back almost 18 years ago, when I gave birth to Nanna... I was put through general anaesthesia, right after I gave birth to her. SO I don't remember a lot from the first day... and I was too tired to really enjoy. But now I am just looking, enjoying, looking, smelling her tiny head, and just taking it all in :) And I enjoy it sooo much!
The proud new big sister, was so cute today. "Look, there's my new baby sister"; she pointed proud. And "Look, flowers for mum!", as she showed the flowers she brought for the new parents. She is in a funny age right now... telling so many funny stories.
As today, when she was told about her new baby sister and her new title as Big Sister! "But I can still fit my shoes?!, she said, very confused. Hahaha so funny.... I guess she thought she would wake up, as big as her bonus-bigsister ;) Strange world huh?
But what a great day.... getting up to sunshine a new little worldcitizen!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
On the 2nd of october, my grandma could have had her birthday. She is very missed and she have ment the world to me in my life. She was one of those very positive people, you never heard her complain about nothing, never said anything negative or leant back and said: I can't do that. Never!
Grandma was my number one! Grandma was the one who were ready, after I got home from school, with a nice talk, a hug, a bowl of fruitsoup with cream, a warm lovely smile, some positive words and enough patience to teach me how to knit... even though I was not very good at it!! ;) She just smiled and showed me again and again and again.
Grandma was also a woman with an amazing ability to grow plants. All over their home you would find beautiful flowers. If she was out on a trip, she couldn't help herself but to "borrow" a little sprout, just to bring it home and grow an amazing new plant.
Grandma and grandpa (Grandpa is still with us and he turns 96 on december 1st, and he is still driving his own car :) A person to be proud of), sometimes took us on a camping trip. That have brought me lots of memories. Once they picked up me and my brother and my two cousins, and drowe for a long while and stopped by a small forest. We went for a walk and had lots of fun. Grandpa made us some willow tree whistles and grandma brought lemonade and cake. We simply had a great day! And we were convinced that we have been far far away ;) Later on, years later, we found out that we had been only a few miles from town ;)
Grandma was there for us during christmas too... we were baking small christmas pepper biscuits and small cookies shaped as animals... and then we decorated them with colored icing. Not very pretty but deffinately funny!
So the other day, with my dear grandma in my thoughts, I bought the figure above. It's called "Rememer - Always I will remember" and is from the company Willow Tree by Susan Lordi. I bought my first one, last year, while Nanna was in USA and have been in love with them for a long long time. They are so cute and really shows emotions in a beautiful way.
And very soon I will get another one... actually with grandma in my thought as well. A little girl holding a bouquet of forget-me-nots in her hands (you'll see it on their website, on the front page) Grandma loved those tiny flowers and had them on their terrace. And often you'll see a small bouqet of them, on her grave. A pretty tiny flower, wich always makes me think about my grandma :)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Camomille is done
Finally I finished the Camomille sjawl and it is now dry too, so that I could photograph it. Now with the true color.
It is now so soft and cozy, after a wash. But it is huge for a scarf/shaw, for a small person like me ;)
But it's shape makes it great to wear... it does not fall of your shoulders.
Well I just managed to shoot this photo, before the rain came in for real :) And then I have to say that I do NOT have that pointy shoulders while stretching out my arms ;) The shawl dried up on my manequin... I should have thought about that!
I can now say for sure, that I really want to knit one more. In a grey or black color... that will be wearable for all of my clothes :)
Monday, October 3, 2011
Camomille is done
The Camomille sjawl is done :) Wohooo victory!! It have been on it's way for a long long time. My knitting mojo have been gone and then suddently it went back to me! And then the edge was teasing me....I never forget to look for corrections again! ;)
The colors on the photos isn't right. It is way more green and not so pale as shown. But after drying, I will shoot some good photos of it.
And I am lucky that I didn't have a single bed, but a 3/4'er... Or there wouldn't be room for a big shawl to dry. I already had to put needles in it, on the side of the bed too. Maybe I should wish for a bigger bed... and a bigger house ;)
Then after finishing Camomille, I went looking for something new to knit. I found out that I had the "Skulderblad" kit in stock. I will never get it knitted, so I am selling it. Let me know if you're interrested :)
The yarn is green, as on this link!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Ribe city
I just want to share a few photos, from our visit to Ribe too. Ribe is a fantastic great city, with pretty small houses, old houses.... looking like a really old city. You almost expect to see horses with wagons, walking through the city.
But because of the art show and a market in the city, it was extra funny to visit. There were piles of straw, old wooden wagons and so on.... And fruits were sold directly from the back of old wooden great is that?! :)
The weather was so perfect, as I wrote yesterday. You could just walk around with your summer clothes on, and feeling so very warm. So we chose to sit by the small creek, in the hay, eating an icecream.
Look, a huge icecream with softice and som sugar sweet stuff I don't know what is called in english. :) SOOO delicious! So after that, and a Chai latte on a local coffee shop, we went to look at the starling magic.
But first, before ice, we went to see the local church, an artshow and a marketplace.
Look what I found on the artshow ;) Isn't that great? That will be some very spoiled birds who will eat from that one!!
The idea is great... I wonder if I should do something similar with my mussel?
The surroundings were awesome. An old monastery was housing the art show, with everything from glass art, to cheramics and felt.
But after all the looking at art, church and drinking latte, we went to see the birds... Fantastic day!! :)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Starling magic
A very sudden idea, and my neighbour and I went to Ribe. A city at the west coast of Denmark. For a long time, we both have thought about going there, to see starling magic. So off we went!
The car was ready and we drove from home.... First we went to Ribe city, to see som art displays. A lot of artists were showing their glass art, cheramic and different kinds of art.
So first a great day in Ribe, with art, church visit, fleamarket, walking in the city and relaxing at the small coffee shops. And THEN to the coast, to see the birds. We drowe together with all the people who wanted to go there... and GOSH we were about 150 to 200 cars in one row, following each other throug the city!
And all the way along the place, where the birds were supposed to land, there was people standing, watching and waiting. All were we looking for the small batches of starlings coming in from all over... untill they, hopefully would do their magic on the sky.
Really, there was thousands of starlings there. And they arrived in huge flocks.... but the really pretty sights of huge flocks dancing, we wasn't lucky to see... :( Too bad, as I reeeeally wanted to see it, and to photograph it.
The weather we couldn't blame... it have been fantastic weather today!! We broke a record today, I just heard in the TV. It is the first time ever, that we have had a summerday with 26 degrees, in October!!
So it really was a great day to visit Ribe and to walk outside. Maybe I should go to the coast again tomorrow, to see if I am lucky to see the magic? I really wanna se those starlings dance!!
But well... if the starlings don't wanna dance, the moon sure would!! Et hang there, looking so nice, together with the most beautiful sundown ever.
And just after sundown, the fog was sneaking in on us...
It looked like gray water... as it lay there, shining... And there's reeeally dark out there, in the middle of nowhere, in the evening... just saying!!! I would not be happy out there, with no car or no light!!
But, none the less it was a great sight to see the sun setting... and some of the starlings dance a bit. Deffinately not the last time, that I will go there.
Our guide, Klaus Melbye, told great stories about the starlings and they way of living. And why they were doing their magic... and so much more. Most deffinately a man I would listen to again :)
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